I wonder how many Calories I hav.................STOP. It doesn't matter, yet I doubt I will ever be able to stop the constant tick.
I have never been a Calorie counter, but I am a "numbers person," and I do find myself constantly making calculations like I have an internal reality GPS. Caloric information is SO available and has received such a focus that countless people have developed a debilitating Calorie obsession.
Food for thought (pun intended): Consider the energy that is currently being invested in an effort to make mandatory Caloric information in restaurants. What if we spent the same time and energy educating people to make sound nutritional choices? F* the food pyramid. Oh wait, isn't it a plate now? Either way, its lame.
Some people (myself included) are able to manually override the undercurrent of Calorie Mania. A lucky few have developed a dysfunction-free relationship with food. This is my goal, and unfortunately I think it will be a battle I will be fighting for myself and those I love for a long time.
It is pretty ironic that while contemplating Calories, I stumbled across these: LO CAL AVOCADOS! Calorie phobia is ruining our food!!
I haven't tried mine yet, but the reviews online aren't great. They were described as watery and flavorless. Not surprising of a low calorie version of a nutritiously rich food.
I picked up some normal avocados also for PALEO PUDDING!
4 avocados - 24 dates -1 cup cocoa - Some water
Add a little water...
Blend, add some water, and repeat until smooth.
This recipe makes 8 servings. I have some extra to share, but if there are no takers it will be gone in a few days.
You could easily spice up this recipe with nuts or coconut. If you want to sweeten it up you could add a little honey.
If you want to get really crazy you could top strawberries with it and feed it to your sexy lover.
...and then burn off all of those Calories you didn't even bother counting.
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