Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yoga will not make you fit. Period.

When I started strength training I realized that I was a worthless, weak, sack of shit, but in my typical diplomatic style I held a "to each his own" stance on fitness.

Well, I am officially going to change my stance. To each his own on how you spend your time, but the only way to become a fit human is to do weight bearing work. "Doing cardio" is a nice way of saying you are too weak to pick up heavy stuff and move it around. Hopping around like five year old on crack to top 40 remixes is not going to make you fit. Neither is yoga.

I read "How yoga makes you fit" during my lunch break because I forgot my laptop and Pinterest has been boring today anyway.  Here is my Spark Notes: It doesn't.

I love it when magazine articles provide such earth shattering info bits like, "The heft of scientific evidence shows that fitter people are less likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers." (Found in "Pump it Up" by Yoga Journal Staff in the February 2012 Issue)

Fit people are less likely to be sick... DUH. Not surprisingly, the article is unable to provide any scientific data backing up the inferred claim that a yoga practice improves fitness. I am really starting to wonder how this article made it past the editor, who is either a terrible critical reader, or is hoping that the entire reading audience is.

Settle down, I love yoga too. I actually have yoga to thank for my composure and ability to let go of frustration during tough workouts and situations in life. Yoga helps me calm my mind and practice releasing mental tension and frustration. A skill that transfers very well to real strenuous exercise. Yoga improves my flexibility (somewhat, but so does just stretching). Yoga is a fun and calming way to spend an hour. Yoga does not make you fit. A yoga practice can bring many powerful benefits into a person's life, but quit trying to hammer the nail with a screwdriver. Downward dog is not a skill transfer exercise for lifting a sandbag over your head. Get real.

I am going to be incorporating more yoga and stretching into my life because it is not physically possible to do any more intense training and I am as wound up as a tangled Slinky... but there is no way I am going to quit going "lion-mode" at the gym just because I have to buy bigger yoga pants and some vegan writer was high enough on patchouli and world peace to suggest that I could get fit without ever having to leave my comfortable, eco-friendly foam rectangle. 

Namaste, bitches.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28th Will Go Down in History

January 28th.  It has been one year since I broke up with my ex boyfriend.  I know this because Facebook let me know that it is his birthday. Funny, and true.  (we're cool - friends on Facebook)

What is better than a good break up joke?  Finally getting pull ups!!  (Not joking here either, and nobody is surprised that I still get both sides of the bed every night). 

If you are reading this, you are probably one of my exercise friends (because those are the only type of people who can stand me anymore) and you can probably do about 5000 unbroken pull ups.  That rocks, but nobody is going to rain on my M.F. parade.  When your toddler graduated from diapers to pull ups did you shame him for not being able to write his name in the snow?  When I started training 14 weeks ago, I needed 75 pounds of assistance to move my body that weighed 20 pounds less.  I graduated second grade, so I can tell you with confidence that this is a 95 pound improvement.  I'll take it.  NOW, there is work to be done.  Ring dips, handstand push ups, muscle ups?  Game on.  

I spend about equal time glorifying and making fun of exercise.  Clearly, I think my hobbies are better than other hobbies.  Otherwise, I would do something else with my time.  It is fun, and easy to make fun of CrossFit, until you need someone to help you move furniture.  I am sorry that watching the Bachelor didn't prepare you move that antique oak dresser - should have thought of that before you made fun of my fucking pull up holiday.

So if you are physically able, celebrate with me.  It's like Festivus.  Everyone is welcome.  Do a pull up, and give yourself a high five for being a physically competent human in a world that is drowning in gluttony, sloth, and apathy.  Now go eat some bacon and have sex.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Clearing the Air - The Whole Team

I feel like I need to clear the air on this whole "B Team" business.

This is an interesting time to be CrossFitting.  More specifically, this is an interesting time to be new to CrossFitting.  A Reebok commercial aired today during the Packers/Giants game that signaled a monumental turning point in CrossFit as a grassroots, organic movement to a media bitch of a sport.  Tomorrow, many people will make inquiries to local Crossfit affiliates looking for someone they can pay to make them look like the people in Womens/Mens Health Magazines.  It isn't really hard to see what will happen.  I forecast a positive correlation between box memberships and glorification of "woding your best" and wods to cure diseases (just eat Paleo and you can do more to prevent cancer).

The thing about commercialization is it doesn't scare away the crazy people.  The sport/cult will see an increase in mediocre followers, but anyone who disregards something because of its popularity is as shallow as someone who follows something because of its popularity.  People are always going to push the limits of human capacity in athletics because intrinsic motivation for greatness runs deep.  Some still feel the itch.  I am commercially apathetic, so I have had some mixed feelings about "the sport of fitness" going mainstream.  Apathy wins out, I still don't care.

The thing I love about CrossFit is that it is purely competitive.  When a group of people complete the same work, the time required to complete the work clearly determines the most powerful person.  There is no room for interpretation.  This brings me to my "point" on the "B TEAM"...

The "A Team" has a right to be distinguished from everyone else.  They are awe inspiring athletes.  I am so lucky and thankful to be able to be on the same team as athletes that are competitive on a global scale.  CrossFit makes it possible for us all to be on the same team because the timed and competitive structure of the workouts makes it unnecessary to tell anyone how they stack up.  It wasn't that making a B Team wasn't true, it's that it wasn't necessary.  That being said, I have never given 100% on a workout and received anything but respect.  

Today was the final day of a 21 day training cycle.  It has been the hardest I have ever trained for anything in my life.  Three months ago I struggled putting 35 pounds over my head, and today I get frustrated when I can't break 100.  Although I am chasing the coat tails of my team, I am going to take a second to appreciate the fact that I am an exponentially more powerful woman than I was a few months ago.  God help anyone who tries to take me on once I have enough time to let my body catch up with my ambition.  

Luckily, I have the best team in the world that will push me to absolute edge of my athletic potential.  


A Team, B Team, B2 Team, Everyone at F2F

Fit 2 Fight CrossFit
819 S 7th Street
Omaha, NE 

(I did not get paid or told to do this)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Reporting from the B Team

I wasn't going to write today, but I am hostage beneath a bag of ice, and none of you fuckers are entertaining me on Facebook

I was invited out for a drink with a good friend, and I really wanted to go raise a glass to the most painful week of my life, but I am in too much pain.  Long story short, my left shoulder is mush and yesterday I had a nasty spasm in my right mid-back that has resulted in a knot the size of midget's fist.  Luckily, I now have mandatory intimate sessions with a lacrosse ball several times a day.  My life is so sexy.

I am not going to get all inspirational because that's the kind of stuff you do when it doesn't hurt anymore.  I am going to be honest and admit that I have spent the greater part of the last 24 hours talking myself into continuing CrossFit.  For the first time in 12 weeks, it started to feel "not worth it," and I really have no guarantee that it is worth it.  I guess it's just some strange faith that I have since I am not religious otherwise.   

So anyway, I am going to keep training.  I got the okay from the chiropractor that I (probably) don't have a broken back, so I guess I will just keep at it because I know I will EVENTUALLY feel better and then I will be super freakin' awesome.  Boom.  In your face, A team.

I was planning on pulling the "I'm gonna watch - too hurt to workout" card, but there was never a good opportunity to bow out.  I ended up pounding out a less than impressive "B Team" performance.  Scaled weight and slower times.  Kiss my ass.  I am here and am sacrificing A LOT for this - obviously my social life and comfort to name a few.  Forgive me for not giving you my Miss America smile.  No offense beauty queens, but Miss America wouldn't even make the Z team.  

I am in no way championing losers' pride.  Being relegated to the B team and being called pathetic when my back is exploding just inspires some mixed emotions as I vacillate between rage and motivation.  Did I get in over my head?  Probably.  Am I going to stop?  Probably not.  Stubborn, crazy, tough, pussy?  Who knows?  It doesn't matter, and I am too fucking tired to answer pointless questions.

 My sincerest apologies to everyone who doesn't understand.  If you want to worry about someone, maybe go find a smoker or someone who is lazy.  There are only a few people in the world I take advice from, so if you aren't one of them, don't waste your time.  Happy new year to the whole "team" of ten that made it to the gym at 3pm on world hangover day - 2012 - year of the dragon.

On a final note, this post is dedicated to Pearl, who says my writing gives her "warm fuzzies."  Couldn't ask for a better compliment from a girl who's "got kettlebells for days."

About Sam

I am a writer in Omaha, Nebraska sharing my adventures in the foundations of healthy living - nutrition, being active, and being funny.

I was born in Kansas City in the sweltering summer of July, 1986. I was nearly born in the car because I was so pumped to get my life started. I have been bouncing off of the walls ever since. Growing up I hung out with the big kids who were even older than my sister (and best friend) Allie. I quickly developed an "I'm over it" 'tude toward kids my own age whose pastimes seemed juvenile - an interesting perspective coming from a preschooler. My snobbish worldview was hard earned however, as I was forced to learn both multiplication and division early to keep up when we played "school," and I was always forced to do dangerous stuff first to make sure it was okay, like eating unidentified berries and making the first run on super steep hills while sledding. We biked all day, ate wild honeysuckle, painted the house with mud, and collected cicada shells for no reason other than they stick to fabric and freaked my mom out.

I quickly realized that even little legs can get you as far as a car can, and as a young child, you really have nothing but time. My adventures were only restrained by the fact that adults do not find it acceptable for young children to explore the town on foot unaccompanied. I prematurely developed a desire to be an independent self-supporting person, so I opened a Kool-Aid/popcorn business to finance my big plans. Looking back, I would say that the only issues holding me back were my limited advertising budget and the fact that I was still too short to ride roller coasters. People just don't take you seriously when you can't go on the upside-down rides.

I was moved to Omaha in the second grade. I continued walking all over the place, exploring surrounding neighborhoods and visiting grocery stores to pick up my favorites: Goldfish, Sprite, and sugar cigarettes. I don't even think you can buy those anymore, and for the record, I never started smoking.

I never lost my hard work ethic, and I needed to increase my income to afford my new hobbies of beading and Polaroid photography. At the age of ten I mailed in a response to an advertisement for paper delivery routes without discussing the issue with my family. Sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands when people don't share you vision. The people at the Omaha World Herald must have had a good feeling about me becuase they contacted my parents to tell them that they wanted to hire me but would feel better if there was an older family member onboard. I still wonder if Allie holds any resentment toward me for pulling her into the labor force when she was only twelve.

In third grade, I followed Allie's lead and began taking dance classes at Mary Lorraine's Dance Center. For the next eleven years it became "what I did." Nowadays, I train more like an athlete, but I will always move like a dancer, and being in a studio will always feel like home.

After high school I relocated again (this time of my own volition) to study "everything" in the College of Business Administration at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. I acquired a degree in marketing and finance that I may use someday. More importantly, I became a close friend and Alpha Phi sister with a cross country runner who easily persuaded me to train for the 2005 Lincoln half-marathon. I have been running ever since. In April 2011 I developed plantar fasciitis after jumping into an intense 50-70 mile/week schedule. This is the first athletic injury in my life. Although it has been indescribably frustrating both physically and emotionally, the silver lining is my increased receptivity to more variety in fitness disciplines.

I enjoy Pilates, yoga, enjoy Zumba, plyometric interval training, running, walking, and seeing how quickly I can run up stairs without losing my lunch. When I am too exhausted to move, I read and write. I love fiction, non-fiction, cookbooks, poetry, philosophy, song lyrics, and comedy. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I love spell check, and felt tip pens.

I am happy and optimistic most of the time. I enjoy living simply and deeply. I hope you enjoy what I have to share.
