What is better than a good break up joke? Finally getting pull ups!! (Not joking here either, and nobody is surprised that I still get both sides of the bed every night).
If you are reading this, you are probably one of my exercise friends (because those are the only type of people who can stand me anymore) and you can probably do about 5000 unbroken pull ups. That rocks, but nobody is going to rain on my M.F. parade. When your toddler graduated from diapers to pull ups did you shame him for not being able to write his name in the snow? When I started training 14 weeks ago, I needed 75 pounds of assistance to move my body that weighed 20 pounds less. I graduated second grade, so I can tell you with confidence that this is a 95 pound improvement. I'll take it. NOW, there is work to be done. Ring dips, handstand push ups, muscle ups? Game on.
I spend about equal time glorifying and making fun of exercise. Clearly, I think my hobbies are better than other hobbies. Otherwise, I would do something else with my time. It is fun, and easy to make fun of CrossFit, until you need someone to help you move furniture. I am sorry that watching the Bachelor didn't prepare you move that antique oak dresser - should have thought of that before you made fun of my fucking pull up holiday.
So if you are physically able, celebrate with me. It's like Festivus. Everyone is welcome. Do a pull up, and give yourself a high five for being a physically competent human in a world that is drowning in gluttony, sloth, and apathy. Now go eat some bacon and have sex.
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