Being worthless in the kitchen is not an excuse to have a worthless diet. You don't even have to get better if you don't want to. I am willing to be your biggest cheerleader under the one condition that you quit making nonsensical excuses and whining about how this "whole Paleo thiiiiiing" is sooo tough.
This diet is anything but limiting, and most of the foods can be eaten with little or no preparation. BIG WIN for this lazy cave woman like myself.
Get your head out of your self-help book and spend some time paying attention to your body. If you completely rock your body, pasta just won't sound good. I have cravings for raw spinach occasionally. This surely is not because I am a total nut and think raw spinach tastes like German chocolate cake. I just feel like my body needs it. Two days ago after my 11th workout in 7 days, I devoured almost a pound of fatty beef and pork and a quarter cup of almond butter - not because that was what I was "suppose to eat," but because I was EFFING HUNGRY. grrrrrr.
In all fairness, you do have to break your sugar addiction to clear your head enough to hear your body. Switching to a Paleo diet is rough for 1-2 weeks while your body adjusts.
If you aren't willing to push through a week for the sake of your health, get out of here.
I love eating Paleo because the only thing I really have to cook is meat. I eat raw vegetables and fruits that are in season. I love raw nuts because you can actually taste the natural oils of the seed and not whatever chemical flavoring they are coated in.
I used to tell myself that I would eventually develop an interest in culinary detail. It is time to be honest with myself: I am 25 and don't even season my meat when I cook it because I just don't care. My only hope now is to raise a child prodigy top chef or have a family that could care less that I eat the salad before it makes it into the bowl.
If you like to cook, there are endless ways to create delicious Paleo dishes. Hats off to you! Invite me over for dinner. If you like simplicity, or are irrationally afraid of the kitchen, that is OKAY TOO! Humans evolved without eating grains and without reading cookbooks. Paleo nutrition is accessible to everyone regardless of your interest in food preparation.
Listen to your body. Satisfy your needs. Use the extra time that you are not making excuses to prepare a beautiful meal, taking a Yoga class, walking on your hands, reading a story, living your life.
Love this!! Are you full on Paleo now? Because I was considering it...
ReplyDeleteI am paleo with a few modifications because I am training so hard. You should try it. You will be amazed at how much better you feel all the time!